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Road Construction Update March 2024







Phase 1 road construction will resume in mid-late May. When they return, the plan is to make Woodland Crossing/Watergrove Trail a one-way street. The above image shows the portion of Woodland Crossing that will be one-way traffic. There will be no parking signs posted on Woodland Crossing.


If you plan on having any work done on your home please advise your contractors, mowing crews or other vendors of the upcoming construction.

Road Construction Update 6/29/2023



On Tuesday, June 27, 2023 City Council passed the Woodland Lake Phase 1 road work package valued at over 2.5 million dollars. Hipskind was awarded the contract. Hipskind has until August of 2024 to complete the project. Hipskind hopes and plans to have the work done this year depending on weather conditions. They will begin work on July 10th, 2023. The work will begin in all cul-de-sacs and then starting on the main roads. This plan is subject to change at the contractors discretion. This is what has been communicate to us as of June 29.


Review from Annual Meeting

  • Please give yourself extra time when leaving the addition. Please drive cautiously and carefully through the neighborhood. If possible, use the Coldwater entrance to avoid the construction, especially when they work on Woodland Crossing.

  • All residents affected should have received a letter in the mail from the city in May with information on what to expect. For ease of access, a copy of the letter is available here.

  • Phase 1 will be everything east of the 4-way stop, see image above. (It does include 20 feet west of the 4 way stop on Woodland Crossing and Bentley Wood Drive until it turns to asphalt.)

  • Hipskind won the bid, which works in our favor since it is a local company with a great reputation.

  • Once construction begins on your street it will take 4-6 weeks to complete.

  • The concrete takes 10 days to cure, there can be NO driving on it.

  • Hipskind will put a tag on your front doors 24 hours before construction begins. This is so that you can get your vehicle(s) out of your garage. You can park them either at your neighbors' (if arrangements have been made), or on the closest street not under construction. Do not wait 24 hours to move your vehicles. If your car is in your garage and they start working this is not their problem. As soon as they hang the tag we recommend you move your vehicle so it's not stuck.

  • This construction will be messy, dirty, and dusty!

  • If the mailman cannot access your mailbox, your mail can be picked up at the Centennial Station post office. A small note of appreciation could go along way to making sure they deliver the mail during this frustrating time.

  • If your side of the street is under construction, trash bins must be across the street on pick up day. This might mean a neighbors trash and/or recycling bin may be in your grass on trash/recycling pickup day.

  • Once winter returns, Woodland Lake and our private contractors cannot salt the roads for a minimum of 3 years! Please DO NOT salt the roads. If you are caught salting you could be fined as specified in the letter from the city.

  • If you are handicapped and need a temporary drive please contact Greg McDirmit to make these arrangements.


Questions from Annual Meeting

  • What if I want my approach done? Can I pay the contactor to do my approach while they are already out here?

    You will want to contact Casey at Hipskind. His number will be on the tag placed on your door.

  • In the letter from the city it mentioned tree work, what tree work will they be doing?

    The Woodland Lake Phase 1 project does not include any tree work in the bid package.

  • What do we do if we have an electric car?

    The city provides no advice.


Additional Information from Pre-construction Meeting

  • Please mark your irrigation system lines and heads that are in the public right of way. The public right of way is defined as the first 11.5 feet from the back of the curb. The contractor is not responsible for damages if they are not properly marked. This also goes for inground electric dog fences or any other underground private utilities you may have.

  • Our current curbs are 4 inch curbs. The city plans to depress the curbs to 1.5 inches at the approaches where they can. This is only if your driveway approach is in the scope of the work.

  • If a section of concrete is good they will not replace that section. Some sections have been replaced recently and are still in good working order. Not everything will be replaced.

  • They plan to replace half of each cul-de-sac. This changed from the annual meeting when we were told it would be the entire cul-de-sac at once.


Contact Information

  • If you have any questions or concerns, please call Greg McDirmit at 427-2764. Please do not call the board as we have no control over this process.

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